Sunday, October 24, 2010

Koshihikari Echigo Beer


(Translated from the Japanese on the bottle) We’ve used the delicious water and Koshihikari rice that Niigata’s nature has provided and made this in a German-style decoration mash. This is a dry beer with a crisp palate and finish.

This beer is a nice pale lager, pours with a great foamy head. Finishes clean with a nice hint of rice and hops
I buy this at my local Japanese market, not cheap at 4.75 per bottle. The store manager told me this is an "everymans" beer, especially in the country side. Next time I'm there I'll check that. I find it goes great with a steak
some grilled zucchini with some miso paste on top and grilled shishitto  (Japanese hot peppers)

If you ever get a chance to try shishito, please do. They aren't that hot, but sometimes you get a tongue burner !
You can buy them at most Asian markets and sometimes at the big chain stores. My favorite way to cook them is to skewer them and grill them on the BBQ with whatever else I'm eating. This time I just grilled them in olive oil and added dried Bonita flakes afterwards. yum yum!! See eating healthy doesn't mean cardboard taste, so might say that a nice thick steak is bad, but hey you want to live forever?
